Oak Tree School are proud to incorporate sustainability in to the ethos, values and vision, with the goal of improving the environment, be it in or outside of the classroom. We aim to promote closer ties and connections to nature, increasing wellbeing for students and staff, whilst also positively impacting on the environment here at School and within the wider community.


Sustainability is now being taught throughout all years, culminating at KS4 with the option to gain a level two (GCSE equivalent) qualification in climate change and environmental awareness. This qualification will be advantageous to future employment regardless of the industry, as businesses moving forwards pursue a sustainable approach. If you are interested in knowing the curriculum and scheme of learning please click on the relevant option below.


Students at Oak Tree School have numerous activities they can engage with, such as:

  • Join the Eco-committee, have a say and work towards improving the environment.
  • Going green fingered on our allotment.
  • Joining the million mile beach clean through Surfers against sewage.
  • School based and local community litter picking.
  • Recycling activities and much more.

A greener School


Students on the Eco-committee spent the last year working toward achieving the Eco-Schools green flag accreditation. Focus was placed on growing crops on our allotment, reducing litter through litter picking activities, locally and in the wider community and by reducing waste through a Bokashi system.

Through their input and ideas, and hard work, Oak Tree School was awarded the green flag status for the very first time, We hope to continue this in to the new academic year, working toward further improving our carbon print. Well done everyone!


Click here for more information

The Eco-Committee

The amazing students on the Eco-Committee unanimously chose the following Eco-Code:

Protect the animals

Protect the plants

Make Oak Tree School a greener place

The committee took all their learning and inspiration, channelling this into a mission statement, to act as a call to action for all at Oak Tree School.

Click here for more information